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益生菌肠道健康网 2024-06-02 文章编号:-10009 0


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Probiotics are microorganisms that offer numerous health benefits when consumed. These microorganisms are usually found in the intestinal tract and help maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. In recent years, probiotic products have gained popularity in the UK, with numerous companies producing a range of probiotic supplements. This article will explore how probiotics are produced in the UK and the processes involved in their manufacture.


Selection of Strains

One of the primary steps in manufacturing probiotics is the selection of the right strains of microorganisms. The strains selected should be capable of surviving the digestive system and colonising the intestine. In the UK, probiotic manufacturers typically select strains of bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which are known to offer numerous health benefits.

Preparation of Growth Medium

Once the strains have been selected, the next step is to prepare the growth medium in which the microorganisms will be cultured. Different strains of bacteria require different growth media, and it is essential to ensure the media used is suitable for the microorganisms being cultured. The growth medium is typically sterilised to ensure that no harmful microorganisms are present.

Cultivation of Microorganisms

After the growth medium has been prepared, the selected strains of microorganisms are cultured in it. The microorganisms are typically grown under strict conditions to ensure that the desired properties are maintained. The temperature, pH level, and oxygen levels are carefully monitored to ensure optimal growth and replication of the microorganisms. The duration of cultivation varies depending on the strain and the targeted cell count.

Harvesting and Processing

After the microorganisms have been grown, they are harvested and processed. The processing steps involved depend on the type of probiotic product being manufactured. In some cases, the microorganisms are simply freeze-dried and packaged as a supplement. In other cases, they may be added to dairy products or other foodstuffs. The harvested microorganisms are typically encapsulated in a protective coating to ensure they survive the digestive system and reach the intestine alive.

Quality Control

Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control measures are essential to ensure that the final product meets the necessary standards. The microorganisms are tested for their viability, potency, purity and safety. Microbiological tests are carried out regularly to ensure that no harmful microorganisms are present. The final product is subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that it contains the right number of viable microorganisms and that it is free from impurities.


The production of probiotics is a complex process that involves numerous steps and strict quality control measures. The UK market offers a range of probiotic supplements and products manufactured using different strains of microorganisms. In conclusion, the manufacturing process for probiotics in the UK is carefully regulated to ensure that consumers receive high-quality products that offer numerous health benefits.
